Artist Statement:

Within my practice, I have found a connection with fractured states within my artwork; the space between planes of existence, of dichotomies and of the physical and ethereal states. Dualities, reflections, and doubles are integral to the language therein; ‘the other always exists within the self’. Twin dialogues between ‘the real and seen’ & ‘the unreal and unseen’ form the foundational epistemology of my ongoing practice.

My practice is distinctly personal, intimately connected with the emotional states, life events, and socio-political environment I find myself in. Through my transition, I have found myself moving between two forms of lived experience - that of the previous ‘male’, and the current/future ‘female’. As I pass through this journey, I hope to translate the shifting perception of myself both through my inner world, and the outer world - how I perceive, and am perceived, simultaneously into physical transmutations - seen here as a holistic, multidisciplinary practice.

Drawing from both ancient and future realities and symbolic lexicons, the work draws from all facets of life - perceived, shattered, and refracted through the lens of my existence.